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"Making the Future: 2024 China-US Young Maker Competition"

Registration Notice of the Trial Competition in Wenzhou Sub-Competition Area

作者:人工智能学院  来源:人工智能学院
  发布时间:2024年05月30日 14:19  浏览:

2024 中美青年创客大赛(2024china-us young maker competition),是由中华人民共和国教育部主办,该赛项已纳入“全国普通高校学科竞赛排行榜”。大赛设立中国赛区和美国赛区,其中,中国赛区包括北京、天津、上海、南京、厦门、成都、西安、温州、海口、沈阳、苏州、武汉、深圳、杭州等14个分赛区。温州分赛区自2016年设立以来, 已承办了八届比赛,得到了各界的一致认可。为做好2024年中美青年创客大赛温州分赛区选拔赛工作,现将有关事项通知如下:

The 2024 China-US young maker competition is sponsored by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China and is included in the "National Ranking of Academic Competitions for Universities".

The competition is organized by the Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China, which is included in the "National Ranking of General University Competitions". The China-US young maker competition is held in 14 regions, including Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Nanjing, Xiamen, Chengdu, Xi'an, Wenzhou, Haikou, Shenyang, Suzhou, Wuhan,Shenzhenand Hangzhou.

Sincethe start of Wenzhou competition in2016,Zhejiang Industry and Trade Vocational College has hostedeight competitions, whichhas been well recognized by all communities. In order to do a good job for the selection of the Wenzhou sub-competition area of the 2023 China-US Young Maker Competition, we would like to inform the following matters:

一、赛事组织 Organization of the event


Sponsor:Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China


Undertakers:Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange,Tsinghua University,Beijing Gehua Cultural Development Group, Intel Corporation and China University Science and Technology Park Alliance.


Sponsor of Wenzhou event: Zhejiang Industry and Trade Vocational College

二、参赛资格及要求 Qualifications and Requirements


The China-US young maker competition istoopen to any Chinese orAmerican citizen, or individual with permanent legal residency in China or the United States.Applicants should beunder the age of 18to 40. The 2024 China-US Young Maker Competition is divided into two main tracks and vocational college tracks (each track is only applicable to the China region).


When registering as a team, the total number of team members must not exceed 5 (including the team leader), and the team leader is the contact person and representative of the team;


Encourage joint teams between Chinese and American players;


Team members of the vocational college sub-track are required to be full-time students enrolled in a vocational college.


Teams may replace one or more members before the start of the selection rounds; team leaders may not be replaced;


A participant may only participate in a project as an individual or in a team;


Each project may have at most one instructor, and the instructor may not participate as a team leader or member again;


The participant or team must sign the declaration at the time of registration and will be deemed to have fully accepted the declaration upon successful registration (see Annex 4: Declaration of Participants of the China-US Youngmaker Competition in the Prospectus);


No entry fee will be charged for this contest.

三、大赛主题 Theme of event


With the theme of "Creating the Future Together", the competition usesdigital technologyas a means to explore innovative opportunities in the fields of climate change, resilient communities, environmental education, low-carbon environmental protection, food systems, crisis response, public health, health and well-being, clean energy, green transportation, circular economy, etc.,Combining future thinking and design innovation, usingfrontiertechnology and open source tools to create“newproduct prototype” with both social significance and industrial value.This year, more emphasis will be placed on the application of digital technology to encourage participants to respond to the new trends of digitalization, networking and intelligence, develop forward-looking solutions, promote the digital transformation of society, and help global sustainable development.

四、作品要求 Proposals for competition

1、参赛作品要求 Requirementsfor the entries


Theme requirements: The projects must usedigital technology as a means to explore innovative opportunities in the fields of climate change, resilient communities, environmental education, low-carbon environmental protection, food systems, crisis response, public health, health and well-being, clean energy, green transportation, circular economy, etc.,Combine future thinking and design innovation, use cutting-edge technology and open-source tools, and createnewproduct prototype thatis both socially significant and industrially valuable.


Requirements for the innovation of the competition: The competition emphasizes the spirit of creativity and encourages innovation and originality. The core part of the participant's project must be able to show that it is the result of the team's or individual's efforts or joint efforts in the last year, and clearly demonstrate the team's or individual's workload and progress during the offline selection process of the competition, and the submitted work must realize the innovation on the social and technical level. Entries must not have been commercialized before or during the competition, not have been mass-produced or sold, not have received commercial investment (including, but not limited to, investment grants, incentives, loans, or equity investment from venture capital firms, angel investment firms, private equity funds, etc.), not have received government policy investment, not have entered the finals of previous competitions, and not have received the first prize or higher award from any other provincial-level or above competition. And above. The works must be the team's own research and development with full intellectual property rights (if the innovation involves relevant patents, the participant must be the first author), and cannot rely on the existing technical achievements of universities, research institutes, enterprises and institutions; if the works directly or indirectly use the relevant patents of the universities, research institutes, enterprises and institutions belonging to the participant or the technological achievements that have not been confirmed and disclosed, the works must be clearly declared and granted patent rights. Clearly declare and obtain written authorization from the patent owner or the supervisor. The working group of the competition and the organizers of the selection contests in each subregion will strictly conduct innovative searches of the entries, and will disqualify the entries if they are found to be inconsistent with the rules of the competition. Reporting Tel: 010-62677582.


Work presentation requirements: Participants are required to complete the work design and produce a demonstratable product prototype during the qualifying phase of the sub-region. The prototype should show the social innovation or technological innovation functions that can be achieved. The prototypes are encouraged to be based on open source software or open standards-based software and technology, using a common hardware platform, and presented in a combination of software and hardware. Teams advancing to the final round from the regional qualifiers will be required to complete improvements, upgrades and testing of their prototypes during the final round.

(4)技术平台要求:参赛作品须用到开源的技术或者英特尔指定的开源平台。工作组将提供大赛可采用的竞赛技术平台的参考方案,参赛者也可自行选择技术平台和使用相应的工具和设备(详见附件 2:中美青年创客大赛推荐技术平台清单)。

Technology platform requirements: The entries must use open-source technology or Intel's designated open-source platform.The working group will provide a reference plan for the technology platform that can be used in the competition, and participants can also choose their own technology platform and use the corresponding tools and equipment (see Annex 2: List of recommended technology platforms for the US-China young maker Competition).

2.知识产权要求 Requirements for intellectual property rights


Contestants mustpledge that their works are original,whichdoes not infringe the intellectual property rights orany rights ofa third party, and that the contents must comply with applicable laws and regulations(including but not limited to relevant laws and regulations of the People's Republic of China and United States of America). Thecontestants should agrees to be fully responsible for all claims and claims arising from infringement of intellectual property rights or other rights of third parties, and to protect and defend the sponsor, undertaker and their agents, and indemnify them against any claim or prosecution for damages.

(2)参赛作品的知识产权归参赛者所有,但应适当兼顾到竞赛主办和承办单位的权益。中华人民共和国教育部作为大赛主办单位,中国(教育部) 留学服务中心、清华大学、北京歌华文化发展集团有限公司、英特尔公司和中国大学科技园联盟作为大赛承办单位,拥有在全世界范围内永久免费使用本届参赛作品进行演示、部分或全部出版的权利(不涉及技术细节),大赛承办单位的其他全资子公司也拥有上述权利。如果大赛承办单位以其它目的使用参赛作品,需与参赛团队协商,经参赛团队同意后,签署有关对参赛作品使用的协议。

The intellectual property rights of the entries are owned by thecontestants, however, due consideration should be given to the rights and interests of the sponor and organizers of the competition. The Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China as thesponsor of the competition,Chinese Service Center for Scholarly Exchange, Tsinghua University, Beijing Gehua Cultural Development Group,Intel Corporation, China University Science and Technology Park Alliance as theundertakers of the competition, as well as other wholly-owned subsidiaries of the competition organizer,have the right to use the entries for demonstration and partial or complete publication(no technical details involved) in a permanent and free way throughout the world. If the organizer uses the works for other purposes, it shallnegotiate withthe team for consent and sign the agreementfor the use of the works with the team.


Within the permission of the applicable laws, theorganiser of the Wenzhou eventreserves the right of final interpretation of these rules.

五、赛事流程 Event Process

进程阶段 Phases of process

具体内容 Arrangement details


Phase 1 June3 to June 21, 2024


Competition starts and contestantsregister


Phase2 June 24, 2024


Preliminary competitionofWenzhou sub-competition area,selects the top20 (main track) and8/12 (sub-track) teams of award candidatesqualifies for Wenzhou final.


Phase3 June28, 2024


The 20 (main track) and8/12 (sub-track) teams qualified for the Wenzhou finalis announced.


Phase4 June29 to July5, 2024


Finalist teams optimize their works.

第五阶段2024 年7月6-7日

Phase 5 July5-7, 2024


Participate in the Wenzhou final



The selection committee of this region will judge the winning rankings among the 20 (main track) and8/12 (sub-track) teams shortlisted in the preliminary round. Participants' scores in the competition will be ranked in descending order to determine the winners of the following awards:





Main track:

1. 1Finalist,bonus 10,000 RMB;

2. 2Meritorious Winner, bonus 5,000 RMB;

3. 4Honorable Mention, bonus 3,000 RMB.

The rest of the finalist teams areSuccessful Participant.






1. 1Finalist,bonus 10,000 RMB;

2. 2Meritorious Winner, bonus 5,000 RMB;

3. 2Honorable Mention, bonus 3,000 RMB.

The rest of the finalist teams areSuccessful Participant.

七、报名方式VII.Registration method


Registration forms and entry materials should be submitted directly on the registration website. Deadline for registration: June 21, 2024.


Link toregistration:https://cc.moocollege.com/#/details/Points?id=24149&isSignUp=false


QR code of registration website:


Main track




QR code of registration WeChat:


Contact persons: Mrs. Zhang, Mrs. Chen



八、温州赛区地点 Venue of WenzhouSub-CompetitionArea

浙江省温州市瓯江口产业集聚区雁云路301号 (瓯江口校区)。

Address:Zhejiang Industry and Trade Vocational College 301 Yanyun Road, Oujiang Estuary Industrial Cluster Zone, Wenzhou City, Zhejiang Province, P. R. China

九、其他 Other Issues


Any matters not covered herein shall be subject to the Competition Rules of the 2024 China-US Young Maker Competition. The Organizing Committee of Wenzhou Sub-Competition Area of the China-US Young Maker Competition reserves the rights of final interpretation of the rules and relevant matters of the competition.

附件1 2024中美青年创客大赛报名指南.pdf

附件2 2024中美青年创客大赛竞赛章程.pdf

Zhejiang Industry and Trade Vocational College


May 27, 2024

责任编辑:赵秀芝 最后编辑:2024年05月30日 14:19

版权所有 府东路校区:温州市鹿城区府东路717号 瓯江口校区:温州市瓯江口产业集聚区雁云路301号

联系电话:0577-88332966 电子信箱:zjets@zjitc.edu.cn 书记信箱:sjxx@zjitc.edu.cn 院长信箱:yzxx@zjitc.edu.cn

学院纪委监督电话/邮箱:0577-88105228 / gmjw@zjitc.edu.cn 浙ICP备12044836号

